Sunday, June 15, 2014

The day i learned the difference between Coma and Comma

While reading The book  " Right Here Right Now " by Nikitha Singh
the word COMA again struck into my mind.
The day I happened to know the difference between two words..
This is an incident that really happened in the year 1996.

It is evening of the day
I was having a hot cup of tea with ma brother and mother, we happened to hear an unusual sound, we didn't bother that, just thought that it may be from the workshop. After few minutes one of my neighbour rushed to us and told that their was an accident nearby, a girl got injured and she has been taken to hospital.

 The accident happened while crossing the road in front of her brother in one side of the road and her mom on the other side. That  girl is our family friend so after hearing this news my mom rushed to hospital.

After some time we (me and ma brother) went to her house, saw her brother it doesn't feel like he cried a lot  but he scared a lot, i don't know what to do or say to him, i still remember his scared face. Their was a communication gap between everyone, because their was no mobile and also landline was not common.  At around 8.00 PM I came to know that she was taken to another hospital which is too far from our location and my mother have gone with them.

Next day when my mother came back from hospital, neighbours started asking about her. my mother started saying that, her right leg is broken and left arm got injuries and she is in "COMMA". The only Comma i know so far is  " , ". Now i was totally confused what she mean by comma, nobody can even guess whats running on ma mind. After few minutes when all the neighbours have gone.I asked my mother what do you mean by COMMA. My mother replied to me that she mean it "COMA" not the COMMA. I thought for a while, will such things happen to people or they acting.

Oh coming to story, she was in coma for two days and later recovered.

Now a days she may have forgotten these things and sure she don't have any idea how her parents, brother and other people suffered/faced that situation.

 Any way both sister and brother were now grown up guys now and they are my friends.

The word COMA.. when ever i hear this word the first thing that comes on ma mind is the day that I happened to hear it for the first time..

If this incident is known to any one of you, i request please do not mention their names..